My college has recently completed a ‘reorganization’ of programs and departments. As a result of this change, mathematics is now in the same administrative unit as science. Is this a good fit?
Although we share much, I have seen some interesting differences. One striking difference is this:
Mathematics faculty are expected to be flexible generalists.
Science faculty are expected to be specialists.
We are likely to be posting one full-time position in mathematics, and at least 2 full-time positions in science. As the programs talked about requirements for the positions, mathematics consistently kept flexibility as a top priority — to be able to teach a variety of courses. Science faculty, on the other hand, consistently listed specific backgrounds — micro-biology versus biology, physics versus geology, etc. I have asked about why this is the case, irritating a few of my friends along the way; the rationale basically boils down to ‘we need a specialist to teach x’.
In mathematics, we sometimes seek a specialist — like a math for elementary teachers course, or statistics. The vast majority of math faculty (full-time) are qualified (in our view) to teach any of a dozen courses. Science faculty seem to keep themselves in a box, where they may have 3 to 5 courses that they can teach. I am not sure which approach is superior, but I do know that the situation is related to the other observation about math & science.
Science, in general, does not do developmental.
Students in K-12 have had a variety of science. When students arrive at college, the college-level science courses they take are determined by their program — not by ‘deficiencies’. Certainly, students who have struggled in science select programs that will provide them with lower-level science courses. Every student begins chemistry with a college-level chemistry class; every student begins biology with a college-level biology class. [My college had, at one time, a developmental science course — never a large population.]
Part of this is the acceptance of ‘science’ as a set of (almost) independent disciplines (sometimes competing disciplines). Students will generally take courses in 2 science disciplines.
Mathematics is seen by policy makers as a single, continuous strand. At the bottom is arithmetic; at the top, calculus … in between, lots of algebra, a little geometry, and some trigonometry. There is “one mathematics”; there are “multiple sciences”.
Of course, this ‘one mathematics’ is an incorrect view. First of all, that image confuses a sequence of prerequisites for a content structure; only parts of algebra are needed for calculus, as is the case for geometry and trigonometry. Students in occupational programs are the ones who might get to experience the other parts of these mathematical disciplines. We, the faculty, reinforce this incorrect view by testing and placing all students along this single continuum (including the requirement for remediation of arithmetic and algebra).
Secondly, there are mathematical disciplines that are relatively unrelated to calculus preparation … disciplines that are used extensively in the modern world. Students are more likely to interact with network problems than they are common denominators.
As we talk with career experts and other programs about what their students need, what topics do we ask them about? I suspect that 99% of the discussion focuses on the ‘calculus continuum’ (arithmetic to calculus, via algebra). Do we ask about topics that are not in developmental math courses? Topics that are not in introductory college courses? I’ve not seen that done.
Could we envision a world where there really was no need for developmental mathematics (in the sense of repeating school mathematics)? Unless students need calculus for their program, would it be possible to start with “basic quantitative reasoning” or “introductory statistics” or “math for electronics” for students less prepared? Better prepared students, perhaps, could take “applied calculus” or “diverse mathematics for college” or “statistics and probability”. Students needing calculus could take “general calculus” as a preparation for a calculus sequence. These questions, perhaps, are related to the nudge that some state legislators are giving us when they limit developmental education.
Although mathematics is the “Queen of the Sciences” (historically), our practice of mathematics is not so much a science. A science is based on a collection of methods applied to related sets of objects (like chemistry does); mathematics does consist of several disciplines. However, we do not function like a science, nor do we provide students with preparation for scientific thinking within our math classes.
Mathematics in college is not a science. Would we serve our students better if it were? What would that look like?
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