The Envelope, Please!! The answer is …
The next AMATYC Webinar will be April 3 (3pm EDT). My goal in doing this webinar is to provide some answers to help you deal with the present … and the future. See for details.
In order to understand the present and future, we need to gain some understanding of the past. Therefore, the first part of the webinar will present a fast-paced summary of where developmental mathematics has been in the prior 40 to 50 years. We will see that some of the current trends had their origins in past practices in the profession.
The second portion of the webinar deals with the present, responding to the primary current theme … “minimization” (pathways & co-requisite remediation being specifics). I will share our current curricular structure at Lansing Community College — providing a template which any college can implement, without depending on grant money nor on external directives. You will see modern curricular standards in practice.
The third portion, somewhat intertwined with the second, deals with the future … what is a viable structure for both ‘developmental mathematics’ and college mathematics in the first two years? You may discover that the current all-purpose ‘solutions’ are not projected to be a central component of our future mathematical landscape; co-requisite remediation has a role in the future, just not primarily as math avoidance.
Throughout the webinar, we will keep the focus on mathematics — good mathematics for ALL students, opening doors previously closed and allowing every student access to upward-mobility. Embracing mathematics will be our goal, and that includes the scourge of Complete College America — “ALGEBRA”. Not your grandmother’s algebra … not your father’s algebra … but algebra as part of an education resulting in better lives for our students.
I hope that you are able to participate in this webinar; feel free to invite non-AMATYC members to view with you. I am especially interested in academic leaders and policy makers/influencers being a part of the process. I am working hard to make this webinar enjoyable, helpful and possibly inspiring.
The webinar link is
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